A Brief Note about BriefNotes


Get it guys! BriefNotes – Like it means short thoughts, but it’s also a law thing?



Mmk just me. Anyways I’ve been told the next 3 years of hell Law School will fly by in such a blur that I will miraculously sadly forget much of what comes to pass. So to make sure that doesn’t happen, I’ve decided to start a punny blog with insightful remarks about law, life, and linoleum. Maybe not that last one, I was on an alliteration kick.

As you may be able to glean, I’m a bit over-tired/terrified/really excited to start this venture, so I apologize for any incoherencies that may arise. Tomorrow is the first day of orientation, which is crazy because I’ve been waiting for 6 months for this day to arrive and now suddenly I’m staring it straight in the eye. Or is it staring it straight in the face? Whatever, it’s here and that’s awesome but I’m kind of freaking out.

I have pens and pencils and binders and an agenda book (am I sure I’m going to law school and not junior high?) and my books weigh like a thousand pounds and my outfit is all ready (again, am I a preschooler? I think so.) and my brain is in a million different places. I’ve tried to meditate and do yoga to calm myself down but that was no help. My bag is already packed and I’ve cleaned my room like 5 times in the past week, so no organizing to accomplish.

I WAS going to watch Legally Blonde tonight, but it felt a bit too cliché. Also I’m pretty sure I can already quote it verbatim so I probably don’t even need the visual aid. Seriously though, you wouldn’t believe how many times I got the “What, like it’s hard?” comment after people found out where I was going. HILARIOUS the first few times you hear it…but then the second time someone says it, you’re thinking “actually, yeah, dude, it WAS effing hard.” Elle Woods is so deceptive. But I digress.

Law School tomorrow! Yay! I’m gonna learn stuff and hopefully meet really awesome people and figure out what the heck I’m doing with my life! And that’s actually pretty cool.

Come back and visit for musings on Day 1 of Orientation!