The Day Bruce Mann Stole My Text Book….Oh – And Elena Kagan I guess…


Sup nerds! I’ve officially finished my first week of law school! (insert applause here) It’s been a crazy busy week filled with amazing classes, interesting homework (geeeeeeek), and incredible people. 

General breakdown – classes have been awesome and I’m so excited to learn from these people. Aside from the fact that they’re brilliant, they’re also just hilarious humans – my CivPro teacher referred to his son as Chalpua Batman within the first 5 minutes of class and I’m pretty sure we’re gonna be best friends. For those of you who don’t get the reference, stop reading my lame blog and go watch The League. Like right now. This will be here when you get back.


Why are you still here? GO! Watch it!


Ok so if you took my advice, you’re welcome and I hope you understand the  hilarity of the above situation. If not…well you’re lame. 

Anyways! Section 6 is still the envy of all the sections and already has the reputation for being the close, fun-loving group. These peeps are seriously smart AND they’re fun to hang out with, sooo I can tell it’s gonna be a good year.

Still learning my way around campus, but it still never ceases to amaze me that I’m actually sitting in HLS classrooms with HLS professors taking HLS classes. It’s still not real to me that I have this opportunity and I can’t wait to take advantage of every minute.

And speaking of amazing opportunities – WE GOT TO SEE ELENA KAGAN! Like really, what is my life? She came to speak for about an hour to the student body and it was pretty cool to be her presence. Pretty sure I got smarter just by inhaling the same oxygen…but maybe I’m going to far with my obsession. In any event, she was really interesting despite the not-so-great questions asked by some of our fellow 1Ls (seriously, someone basically asked her for a job as a clerk. REALLY? Go home. Which is basically what EK’s response to that question was). 

That same day will also go down in history as the day Bruce Mann stole my text book. For those of you who don’t know Bruce Mann, he’s Elizabeth Warren’s husband and he’s kind of the man. However, he’s also really the only one of our professors who goes hard core into the Socratic method (constant question bombardment) so despite being awesome, he’s a bit intimidating. 

So we’re talking about property rights and capture and he approaches my bench and picks up my book and I immediately know I’m in for it. 

BM: “Ms. Sweat, is this your book.”

Me: (super intelligently) “Uh….yes?”

BM: “Prove it.”

Me: (again, with stunning finesse) “Uh…I mean I have a receipt at home…”

BM: “So you have a receipt that somehow indicates you own this specific copy of this specific property book.”

Me: (seriously killin’ it) “Uh…no I guess when you put it that way…no.”

BM: “So how can you prove that this is, in fact, your book?”

Me: “Well I wrote in it.”

BM: (opening to my extensive highlighting and sticky note placements) “Why yes, that is unique…”

This continued for another 5 minutes. Perhaps I didn’t sound as dumb as I think I sounded…but it was pretty hilariously terrifying. Needless to say, there are rarely dull moments in class. 

In any event, that’s a little peak into the happs at law school! Also I went to an Italian festival and walked home through a Jamaican festival today, so I feel like this week was generally a win. Unfortunately, so much fun means I’m now required to buckle down and actually do homework. Le sigh. 

Love you awesome nerds 🙂 Asweat out. 

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